IPA GROUP (I.P.A Investment Group Joint Stock Company)

Established in 1998, IPA Group is an investment group with more than 26 years of experience. IPA Group has built the foundation to complete an ecosystem of 23 subsidiaries and affiliated companies with the same mission towards true service values ​​for the lives of Vietnamese people. IPA Group has a list of member companies and a portfolio of investments in private companies in the following areas:

  • Start-ups
  • Technology
  • F&B
  • Green energy
  • Infrastructure services
  • Financial services: including VNDIRECT and IPAAM

VNDIRECT (VNDIRECT Securities Joint Stock Company)

VNDIRECT is one of the most prestigious securities companies on the market. Vision to build VNDIRECT as a standardized and reliable investment financial institution, bringing the value of Financial Health – Security and Prosperity – Sustainable Development to professionals, customers, partners and the community.

  • Total assets: 40.7 trillion VND
  • Equity: 16.5 trillion VND
  • Top 2: HNX brokerage market share
  • Top 4: HOSE brokerage market share
  •  Number of investors: more than 800,000 (Data December 31, 2023)